The Organiser is Futuresound Group.
1. The Organiser reserves the right to update or amend the Entry Terms & Conditions as required
2. Admission for all persons by valid ticket or wristband only
3. Tickets and wristbands are non-transferable for profit / gain and non-refundable except in the instance of event cancellation. Wristbands once removed are invalidated
4. The Organiser reserves the right to make alterations to the published performance schedules and line-up. The Organiser does not accept liability for any personal compensation claims for a cancelled event, performance or part thereof
5. Please check the Age Restriction for the Event(s) prior to purchase as refunds are not available for tickets purchased by or attempted to be used by persons who are not provided access due to their age.
6. Notwithstanding point 5. above, where Age Restrictions allow children under 14 years of age (aged 5-13) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (18 or over) at all times and will need to purchase a full-price ticket. If you are bringing a child under the age of 5 you will need to book a free ticket when making your order. A maximum of TWO children under the age of 14 can be accompanied by any ONE adult. The Organiser of the Event(s) does not accept any parental or supervisory duty of care of liability for any under 18’s on site.
7. Searching is a condition of entry to protect your safety and that of other visitors. We may conduct security searches of clothing, bags and other items, at our reasonable discretion, including on entry and exit. Metal detectors and / or wanding may be in use
8. All customers consent to having their belongings searched and a physical pat-down by a registered SIA holding member of staff on entry or re-entry
9. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse admission or eject any persons for antisocial or threatening behaviour, actions likely to cause damage or injury, any person causing nuisance to others or failing to comply with the reasonable request of the management, or those that are intoxicated through alcohol or illegal substances. Any refusal to cooperate, or the use of abusive, threatening or discriminatory remarks; including comments relating to weapons or explosives will result in entry being refused
10. The Event(s) has a Zero Tolerance approach to issues of race, gender or sexual harassment and will refuse admission, eject or refer on to further agencies as appropriate
11. Any refusal to cooperate with search or other entry processes, including comments relating to weapons or explosives, will result in entry being refused
12. Pass-outs are permitted for this event, should you leave the event please ensure that you keep your wristband in tact and on your wrist. Should a wristband be removed or tampered with re-entry WILL NOT be permitted.
13. The use of illegal substances including new psychoactive substances (NPS) or similar is strictly forbidden. Any persons found in possession of illegal or illicit substances will be ejected and substances seized. Medicines must be accompanied by valid prescription or prescribing information such as a dispensing chemist label
14. A Challenge 25 age verification policy will be in operation for the sale or supply of alcohol. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse to serve alcohol to those that are intoxicated, or are likely to become intoxicated if further alcohol is served
15. No food or drink is permitted to be brought into the Event(s) from areas external to the event site.
16. Should you need to bring an item of food or drink with you due to medical or religious requirements, please contact the Organiser prior to arrival. Refillable water bottles ARE permitted onsite and there will be water points available
17. The Organisers take no responsibility for lost possessions &/or prohibited items. Prohibited items include:
· Glass Bottles
· Cans
· Flasks
· Cool boxes & hampers
· Flags/banners
· Helium balloons
· Sharp/large rings
· Flares and fireworks, smoke grenades, airhorns
· Bags larger than A3 size (30cm x 42cm x 19cm)
· Laser Pointers/Pens and Glow Sticks
· Sharp objects, any items that could potentially be used as a weapon
· Audio or Video Recording Devices such as personal computers, laptops, iPads and tablets
· Selfie Sticks or similar devices
· Large umbrellas, parasols, tents, gazebos
· Any chairs including collapsible, or any other item of furniture
· Skateboards, roller skates, bicycles, hoverboards
· Balls, frisbees, kites
· Barbecues
· Lanterns or anything that can be lit with a naked flame
· Drones or other UAV devices
18. Prohibited items will be removed, confiscated, and destroyed on entry. Confiscated items may be available for return post-event at some locations however please check with security
19. No animals will be permitted with the exception of assistance dogs
20. The sale of unauthorised merchandise is prohibited
21. Please follow any direction/instruction given by event safety stewards
22. Throughout the Event(s), areas of the event site may reach their individual capacity in which case the Organiser reserves the right to prevent access. Advance planning and early arrival at stage locations is recommended
23. CCTV is in operation with images recorded for the purpose of crime prevention and public safety. All incidents of crime and disorder will be reported to the police
24. The Event(s) event site is a licensed premise. Please note when you leave the Event(s) you are entering an alcohol-free zone where no alcohol is permitted, or you could be liable for a fine
25. Smoking – including electronic cigarettes, is only permitted in outdoor areas. Electronic cigarettes must not be used within any of the tented areas at the Event(s)
26. Please be courteous to our neighbours when leaving the Event(s), don’t drop litter & keep noise to a minimum
27. WARNING: Repeated and prolonged exposure to amplified sound may cause hearing damage. Strobe lighting and other special effects may be used throughout the Event(s)
28. Recreational photography of family, friends and/or scenic views of the Event(s) is permitted other than where other persons attending the Event(s) can be clearly identified as the main focus. Please therefore be respectful to other people’s privacy at all times or you may be challenged and asked to stop and/or leave
29. Photography/filming/recording for professional/commercial use is not permitted without prior written authorisation or media Event(s) accreditation from the Organiser
30. All persons entering the Event(s) event site consent to any photography/filming/recording as arranged by the Organiser for possible future transmission/publication or promotional purposes
31. No tripods or other large photography/film equipment may be used, unless by those with written authorisation or media Event(s) accreditation from the Organiser